
Present and display food products
This unit consists of 3 elements:
·   Prepare the decoration and the accompaniment
·   Dishes and food now
·    Save decoration and accompaniment
Assessment for this unit may include:
·  Oral question
·  Written questions
·  Project work
·  Workplace observation of practical skills
·  Practical exercise
·  Formal reports from superiors
·  The trainer advises the student that the assessment for the unit is possible     take some form, all of which aims to verify that they have achieved competence for the unit as needed.
·  The trainer shows students the assessment methods that will apply to this particular unit.
1.       Prepare trimmings & accompaniment

Performance criteria:
·   Identify menu items that require ornaments and / or accompaniment
·   Prepare a variety of ornaments and / or accompaniment
·   Set to service
·   The trainer explains each performance criteria for this element to the students as it appears on the slide.
Present and display food products
· Read through glossary
· Which terms do you know?
· Highlight this term
· Trainer to take students through the term glossary in the Coach Manual.
· Activity     -     Students highlight the terms they know

Food presentation
Why is food presentation important?
·   Considerations for business
·   Critical     aspects of the customer's dining experience
·   Correct     Presentation techniques allow food to be displayed to their best potential
·   The trainer discusses the presentation and quality of the food
·   Impact of presentation good / bad on the customer
·   The basics of food presentation
Menu items that require decoration or accompaniment
· Edible     food     goods     Used to make dishes more visible     interesting .
· Serve     or       the actual dish
· May be inseparable to the plate or just used as a decoration
·                  Food items used to be     praise     taste     or to add texture to the menu     goods
·                  Serve     to side     of the main component .
·                  The coach discusses / defines the difference between     'decoration'     and     'accompaniment'
·                  The coach can set an example
Menu items that require decoration or accompaniment
·Learn     menu and recipe     Terms
·a    menu     or     standard recipe     will     Often describes the type of decoration needed for each     goods
·Consider     compatibility     of ornaments or accompaniment with     its main component     from     that     dish
·Discuss presentation requirements with    
The chef
·The coach describes the various considerations for choosing ornaments and wedges for various menu items.
·Describe and define a     'standard recipe', its implications and its use
Menu items that require decoration or accompaniment
·Some ornaments or accompaniment may not be explained     on the menu or on     recipe
·This could be placed     (on     Chef     wisdom) as an ornament to enhance the presentation     dish
·This may include items such as herbs, lemon slices, or fruit ornaments for desserts
·The trainer discusses how some of the ornaments may not need to be explained     in the menu.   Hope will be standard or attached decoration.
Menu items that require decoration or accompaniment
Examples of garnish descriptions on the menu include:
· Onion soup     served with     cheese croutons     (decoration)
· Steamed fish garnished with     julienne from root vegetables (garnish)
· Mushroom risotto topped     shaved     Pecorino     cheese (garnish)
Menu items that require decoration or accompaniment
Examples of accompanying menu descriptions include:
·   Carrot soup     served with     sippets (accompaniment)
·   Curry with mixture     sauce     (accompaniment)
·   Roast beef with     turnip enjoy (accompaniment)
Menu items that require decoration or accompaniment
Other considerations when choosing an ornament or milling include:
Ø       Type of cuisine
Ø       Themes and cultural compatibility
Ø          Traditional / classical style
Ø            Style of service
Menu items that require decoration or accompaniment
Ornamental or spice herbs
Dill, parsley, spring onion, coriander (cilantro), leek
Parsley, chervil, thyme, oregano
Rosemary, mint, parsley, chervil
Tarragon, basil, fennel
Mint leaves, berries, cinnamon
Soup and stews
Parsley, chervil, spring onion, cilantro, thyme
Cakes and pastries
Mint leaves, berries, cinnamon, nutmeg
Prepare the garnish
· Referring     to the food item used to improve the overall serving of the menu     goods
· Add     colors and textures to the menu     goods
· Make     the dishes are more visually appealing     customer
· The coach defines     'decoration'     and its use.

Considerations for     selection     from the decoration :
· That     menu items, style and cuisine
· Cost of goods and selling price of menu items
· Availability, cost and freshness     product    
former     for decoration
· Equipment     needed for preparation    
decoration     items
· Standard prescription requirements
Considerations for     preparation     from the decoration:
·   Choose     fresh herbs, green vegetables, or fruit     Vegetables
·   Fully     wash any potions, fruit or vegetables     that     is to be     former
·   Remove     there are leaves that are dead, withered
·   Watch out     of items that may have been chewed     by     insects or showing signs of insects     activity
Prepare the garnish
·   Choose     Range potions with the right size so as not to overwhelm the main     ingredients
·   Skin     and trim of fruits and vegetables neatly and    
remove     anything     pips
·   Cut     fruits and vegetables evenly and uniformly     in     shape and     ukura n
·   Ensure     the decoration can be eaten     -     some fruit,     Berries, plants and foliage can be bitter     or     toxic
Preparing garnis
Fresh herbs
Parsley, spring onion, chervil , cilantro, dill, basil, mint.
Wood potion
Sage fried, thyme, rosemary (this is bitter and needs cooking)
Flowers that can be eaten
Nasturtium, dandelion, zucchini, capers
Edible leaves
Lettuce, spinach, endif, roquette,
Shoot and sprouts
Pea buds, pea shoots, lotus roots,
Vegetables - raw or cooked
Pieces include julienne, brunoise, paysanne, jardinière,
Segmentation of oranges, diced, dried, sweets
Cake - short or puff
Fleurons, case, topping
Croutons, sippets
Omelet, royale, whole boiled or fried
Nuts - whole, baked, crushed
Coconut, peanuts, walnuts, hazel nuts, almonds
Edible seeds
Poppy, sesame, pumpkin
Shaved, piped filigree, basket, powder / brown
Interesting, candy, toffee, praline
Tuille, short bread, macaroni
Some special tools for preparing and serving ornaments or wedges include:
Ø       The shape / cake cutter
Ø       Parisienne cutter
Ø         Channel cutter / cutter
Ø         Peeler
Ø       Mandolin
Ø       Pipe bags and nozzles
Ø         Paring and turning knife
Preparing the accompaniment
Accompaniments :
The accompaniment is used to add texture   
and flavor to the menu item:
·                        Accompaniments     must be appropriate and     praise     The main food     goods
·                        Many     traditional accompaniment     certain     style     Cook
·                        Accompaniments     maybe     has some culture     mean     or it may have developed     as     public, free     'spouse'     for     Some food
Preparing the accompaniment
·                       Some     garnish     and companion requires     preparation to follow a     standard recipe
·                       This     may include items such as biscuits or     pastries
·                       This     items should also be good quality and     appearance     -     therefore     You must follow the recipe     right
Many assistants can be bought prepared.   This includes items like:
Ø       Soy     sauce
Ø       Wasabi
Ø         Mustard
Ø          Tomato sauce
Ø         mayonnaise
Other accompaniments may be partially prepared and require only some basic preparation, heating or cooking.
This includes items like:
Ø       Fried red onion
Ø          Baked beans
Ø         Chopped Chili
Ø         Sambal
Ø          Special     bread
Ø       Chocolate and sugar decorations
·                      Accompaniments     which requires preparation should be as close as possible to the time penyajia nna
·                      Dressing     and sauce can be made in advance to allow a flavor combination to flourish
·                      As     with ornaments, groceries used for    
prepare     The accompaniment should be fresh    
and     good     quality
Examples of cuisine accompaniment:
Sauces, pickled ginger and wasabi
Parmesan cheese, vegetable pesto and pesto
Sambals, naan bread, dhal
Salsa, guacamole, tortillas, sour cream
Prawn pasta, char siu sauce,
Nuoc Mam, green banana, sprouts
Setting up the service
·   That     term     'Service'     relating to the period of time in which customers will choose, order and consume their products     eat n
·   Set     up procedure will depend on the type of menu and style of service     business
·   correct     styled and     'miseen place'     Done properly, the kitchen must function smoothly during service life     period .
Calculate the amount of food needed for the service period:
· Reviewing     guest booking
· Review historical sales data
· History of the popularity of certain menu items
· Observe food trends and     Cook     style
· The availability of food from seasonal products
Setting up stations for food service:
·    a    'station' is part of the kitchen which may serve certain menu or certain food.
·    a   part will require     various items / equipment for     available and on hand
The items required for the service include:
·  Cook     ships like pots and pans
·  Serving equipment such as clamp, spatula, ladle, tray
·  Serving platforms including dishes, bowls,     tray     and platters
·  Fast food such as steak, fish,     poultry, vegetables
·  Accompanying and decorating
The term 'station' can also refer to parts     buffet     where specific food items are presented and displayed including:
Ø       Soup
Ø           Container and     appetizers     and     salad
Ø          Carvery for grilled meats
Ø         The main course was either wet or dry
Ø           Vegetable dishes
Ø          Desserts include pastries and     Cake
Equipment required for storage and storage during service life:
Ø       Bains-marie
Ø          Friction plate
Ø          Heating plates
Ø          Hot box
Ø          The rooms are cool
Ø       The display unit is cool
Ø         Soup tureens
Examples of menu item backup include:
·                     Meat     such as cut and steaks     portioned
·                     Processed foods like light meals are prepared
·                     Processed     Available meat, poultry and seafood
·                     Extra vegetables and other accompaniment     like that     like rice or pasta is par     matan
·                     Additional sauce, accompaniment   
and garnish

Performance criteria:
oFood section for company standard
oProvide adequate and appropriate equipment and services
oPlate and show food to    style menu
oAttend food neatly and attractively

Portioning food
o          Portioning     and portion control is an important aspect of food     presentation
o          Presentation must be     consistent in numbers and     size
o          Menu items should be uniform     in the form and     appearance
o          Part     size or amount should always be     be     in accordance with business policy or    
standard recipe
Ø       Portioning     refers to the amount of food allocated to a particular menu     goods
Ø          This     may include multiple components onto a single dish or dish     goods
Ø          All     plates of the same type should be visible     same
Ø          That     the position of the food component should be    
same     in     all the dishes
Ø         Good     the practice of portion control allows    
kitchen     to control it     cost

Equipment and service platform
o         This is an item     used in     handling,     plating, decoration and food display     items
o         This includes     items     Used for     individual plating and larger items for food displaying     Buffet
o         Selection of the correct service equipment can help control the portion
o         Service     Platforms are goods used as a food base     presentation
o         Must     clean and clean     condition
o         Free     cracks, scratches and     chipping
o         Must     be     'quality food
o         There should be no color     or     design   
that     'busy'     or have a complicated design    

Menu style and plating
Different service styles will usually reflect how menu items are presented to customers:
o          A     la carte     service involves     food is cooked and coated with order
o          Banquet     involves pre-cooked gilded food     and presented at the same time
o          Buffet     service     requires layout and display    
cooked or prepared     food     items
Presentation is neat and interesting
o         care     and attention should be paid     when plating for     ensure     neat     and     an interesting presentation
o         During the service period,     a senior chef     usually will be quality check each     dish
o         Cultural styles can have an impact on how food is    
o         Determine the importance     'neatness'     and     'attraction', especially from the customer side
Plating considerations include:
oEye     interesting
oColor     and contrast
oHigh     and depth
oTemperature     food
oService     and cuisine style
oClassic     and innovative     Settings     style
Store ornaments & accompaniment
Performance criteria:
oStore the goods with bena r
oStore the product correctly into the correct container
oLabel the product correctly
oKeep the item in the right condition   
keeping freshness and quality
True storage
Ø       Ready     food should be stored in the right container and appropriate     temperature
Ø          Factor     which may affect the quality of the food during storage     include:
Ø          Strong     smell from the others     food
Ø           Humidity
Ø         Advantages     hot, udar a
Ø       Ready     food should be closed properly or     wrapped
Ø         Ready     Food should always be kept on raw food and away from foul-smelling foods
Ø           Ideally, fast food should be kept no more than 24     hour
Ø       Overrated     Storage time will affect quality    
from     fast food     items
Temperature for food storage
Ø       Cooler     food must be submissive     low     humidity and temperature between     +1   °   C to +5   °     C
Ø           Ideal     The freezing temperature is     between    -15   °   C to -18   °   C
Ø           Dry     food storage needs food to be     saved     in a     cool dry areas     between    
+18   °   C to +24   °   C
Ø           Excess moisture can cause softening    
texture of food
Ø          Excessive dryness in storage can cause   
for staling
Storage container
Ø       Glass is not recommended for food storage because of possible damage
Ø           Other     goods used for storage and food wrapping include;   plastic cling film / wrap, aluminum foil and silicone     paper
Ø            All     storage vessel or merchandise shall     'quality of food'
Ø            The vessel must be clean, sanitized     and in good condition
Label the food
All ready foods should be clearly labeled before being stored.
This practice will help:
Ø       Identify potentially contaminated foods
Ø       Show low or low quality food
Ø          Know the freshness of processed foods     goods in storage
Outline the requirements to label food in storage
Ø         Read and parse each point in a slide
Ø            Give some examples / results     have unlabeled food in storage
