Local food

Wednesday, February 21Th 2018

Base Jukut

History: Selain Lawar ada juga yang disebut Base jukut juga merupakan masakan khas Bali yang dipakai sebagai salad sebagai pendamping nasi atau hidangan utama, dengan rasa sedikit pedas. Masakan khas Bali yang satu ini bisa dibilang saladnya Indonesia. Terbuat dari sayur – mayur.

Ingredients : 
- 250g       large red chilies halved, seeded and sliced
- 25g         birds eye chiliees sliced 
-100g        shallots, peeleed and sliced
-100g        garlic, peeled an sliced 
-100g        gallangal peeled and sliced
-100g        turmeric fresh, peeled and sliced
-100g        kencur(lesser galangal) washed, sliced
-100g        candlenuts (raw peanuts without skin)
-100g        coriender seeds crushed
-1/2 tbsp   black pepper corn crushed
-1/2tbsp    salt
-150 ml     coconut or vegetabled oil
- 2             salam leaves (optional fresh or dry kaffir lime leaves)
- 2 stalks   lemongrass bruised
- 250m      water

Preparation :  
  1. Combine all ingredients except tamarind pulp, leaves and lemon grass, oil and water in food processsor or stone mortar and grind into a very fine paste.
  2. Place ground ingredoents into presure cooker pot, add reamaining ingredients. bring ingredients to simmer.
  3. Pressure cook at a gauge pressure of1 bar/15 psi for 30 minutes , start timing when full pressure is reached.
  4. Let the cooker cool for minutes.
  5. Cool inrefrigenerator overnight.
  6. Spread into ice cube tray and freeze.
  7. Store in air tide container on freezer bag.

Tum Ayam
Ingredients :
- 600g      boneless chicken, skin removed and minced
- 1tbsp     fried shaliots
- 1tbsp     fried garlic
- 80 ml    coconut cream
- 3 tbsp    chicken spice paste
- 4            bird's-eye chilies, finely chopped
- 1 pinch  salt to taste
- 1 pinch  black pepercorns, crushed to taste
- 12          banana leaves, cut in 25x18 cm squares
- 12          salam leaves ( optinal fresh or dry kaffir lime leaves)

  1. Combine the above ingredients except for banana leaf and mix well.
  2. Fold a heaped tablespoon of the mixure into the center of banana leof on top a salam leave and wrap.
  3. Steam parcels is about 15 minutes, until well cooked
Note :
If banana leaves are not available, use greaseproof paper in preference to aluminium foil.

Reverensi: Holzen,H.2014.A new approach to Indonesian cooking.marshall Cavendish Cuisine:singapore
